TagMaster Order for London Underground
TagMaster, firmato un ordine significativo per il tag RFID progettato per applicazioni ferroviaria
Generale Sistemi è lieta di annunciare un'altra importante anteprima del nostro principale partner TagMaster per la prestigiosa metropolitana di Londra. Grazie a questa milestone, TagMaster migliora la sua posizione nel mercato ferroviario e metro. Da tempo, Generale Sistemi collabora con TagMaster per questo importante mercato. Maggiori dettagli nel comunicato stampa indicati di seguito. TagMaster, the leading supplier of advanced sensor systems for Smart Cities within Traffic and Rail Solutions has received a significant order for the new RFID RailTag to be used in London Underground. The new RailTag is an evolution of the successful MarkTag HDS FP with a proven track record in numerous CBTC Metro installations worldwide. The Marktag HDS FP has been sold in numbers of tens of thousands during the last 12 years. The new RailTag is designed to have a 20 year expected Service Life in CBTC applications and by this it addresses the increased need of availability of the tracks in the most heavily trafficked Metro Systems around the globe. Since it is fully compatible with the MarkTag HDS FP it can be used in existing CBTC installations without any further adjustments of the RFID Radio systems on the vehicles. The London Underground upgrade is an essential part of Transport for Londons effort to cope with the capitals population growth by a projected 1-2 million people over the next 15 years The products will be delivered during 2018. " This order confirms that our ambition that, together with Balogh, become a stronger supplier within Rail Solutions is clearly materializing. We together have a wider product offering and we will together become a true leading actor in train signaling" says Jonas Svensson, CEO, TagMaster
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